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Iwan Aramiko - M. Junus Djamil in his book entitled "White Gadjah" issued by the Institute of Culture in 1959 in Kutaradja Atjeh, among others, has written about "Riwajat origin in the Kingdom of the White Gadjah wudjudnya Atjeh" associated with the establishment of the Kingdom of Linge in Gayo district. The text comes from the testimony of King and his son King Uyem Ranta, King Cik Bebesen and from Zainuddin, the king of the hill Kejurun both of which had ruled as king in the Gayo region of the Sea on the Dutch colonial period first.
According Junus Djamil around the year 1025 in Gayo district has stood first Linge Kingdom led by a king whose name "Kik Yes" or "Kawee Teupat" according to the designation of people of Aceh, during the reign of Sultan Mahmud Shah Machuclum Johan Berclaulat Perlak of the Kingdom around the year 1012-1058.
Linge King has had 6 children. The oldest was a woman named professor or Datu Beru Beru, others Sebayak Linga, Linga Meurah Johan and Meurah, Meurah Silu and Meurah Mega. Linga Sebayak Karo clan wandered into the area open country there, Meurah Johan wandered into the area of Aceh Besar and rebuild the country there are known as Lamkrak and Lam Oeii (Lamoeri) is Meurah Ling lived in Linge, who subsequently became King Linge hereditary. Silu Meurah migrated to the area and become employees of the Sultanate of Pasai Power in Pasai. Sultanate of Power is a Shiite-led empire of the Persians and Arabs.
Mega Meurah himself buried on the Slope Keramil Wihni Rayang Paluh Linge area. Until now still preserved and respected by the population.
Just 500 years later is about the year 1511, a king known to the descendants of King Linge Linge, known as the King of the XIII. King Linge to XIII famous, because in addition to his position in the Land of Gayo, also has an important position in the center of the Kingdom of Aceh and in the Government of the Kingdom of Johor in Malay Peninsula Land.
When the Portuguese attacked and captured the kingdom of Malacca in 1511, Sultan Mahmud Shah of Malacca had to withdraw to Kampar in Sumatra, while his family evacuated to Aceh Darussalam. In these difficult circumstances the Kingdom of Aceh has helped the King of Malacca. This cooperative relationship has developed such an extent that there is also a marriage that can be said to be a political marriage between the Sultan of Aceh with the Kingdom of Malacca. A son of the Sultan of Malacca named Sultan Alaudin Mansour Shah married with a daughter of the Kingdom of Aceh. Instead of a daughter of the Sultan of Malacca also mated with a magnifying the Kingdom of Aceh, King Linge to XIII.
King Linge to XIII also sat on the staff of the Armed Forces Commander Aceh Besar (Ameer-ul-Harb), since the Sultan of Aceh fighting expel the Portuguese from the area Pase and Aru. Due to the important position in the Kingdom of Aceh, then his position as King Linge handed over to her oldest son became King Linge XIV in the Gayo Land.
In 1533 the new formed Kingdom of Johor, led by Sultan Shah Alaudin Mansour. King Linge XIII sit in Cabinet this Johor Kingdom as a representative of the Kingdom of Aceh. And in order to build and develop new Kingdom of Johor, on camping face Portuguese colonizers, the Sultan of Johor had been assigned to the King Linge XIII to build an island in the Straits of Malacca which belonged to the Kingdom of Johor. The island was then known as "island of Linga".
During King Linge XIII build this Linga Island he obtained two boys, one of them named "Bener Merie" and another brother named "Sengeda" .. On the island of Linga is then King Linge XIII died.
After the death of King Linge XIII, his wife, who comes from the Sultan of Malacca, the move to Aceh Darussalam by bringing two small children and Sengeda Bener Merie. When both adults, giving them know his mother before his father's home in Linge descent Gayo Land. The oldest brother became King Linge Linge XIV succeeded his father in the country.
Thus Bener Sengeda Merie and then go to the Land Gayo to meet brother of his father, King Linge XIV. But the fate of their unfortunate, because his arrival was not well received by King Linge XIV, they even accused of having killed his father King Linge XIII. Both were sentenced to death. Bener Merie on the orders of King Linge XIV was killed, was assigned to the King assassination Sengeda Cik Serule. But King Cik Serule not want to do their job, so he hid Sengeda regardless of the killing. This incident occurred during the Sultan of Aceh Alaidin Ria'yah II were in power in Aceh in 1539-1571.
In a ceremony at the Palace of Aceh, which was attended by all the kings of Aceh, the Sultan ordered them to seek "white elephant" which reportedly contained in the forests Gayo Land, to be devoted to him. Sultan will give prizes to anyone who caught and handed it to him a white elephant.
Even with the disappointment of King Linge XIV mission to prepare Darussalam to present a white elephant to the Emperor. He did not know that that captures the white elephant is Sengeda who had judged to be killed.
At the handover ceremony of a white elephant at the Palace Sultan state of Aceh, a white elephant which was originally planned to be submitted by the King to the Sultan Linge XIV fails because the white elephant rampage, would not He led. Usually benign nature has changed, become angry and violent, mengejarngejar King Linge XIV who was almost killed.
Finally Sengeda who can tame the white elephant, and handed it to the Sultan in peace. All those present became astonished, dumbfounded, the Sultan asked the strange events. Sengeda forced to dismantle the secret evil King Linge XIV who had killed his brother Bener Merie.
Hearing a description of this Sengeda, Sultan very angry, and immediately ordered the arrest of King Linge XIV. Then moved forward to trial and sentenced to death. But lucky for King Linge XIV, he did not die, because his own mother Sengeda Sengeda and forgive him before the courts, so the Sultan to cancel the death penalty. Commuted his sentence merely demoted and pay a fine or some kind of diet.
Immediately after the events of this white elephant, the Emperor raised Sengeda became King Linge to replace King Linge XIV XV which was treasonous.
Acts or other legends about the events of "white elephant" and the story of "Sengeda" is based on the version written by a poet Ibrahim Gayo ie Daudi or more famous Mude Kala Gayo language in the form of poetry. Road story is almost the same, but its content is much different.
Acts or other legends about the events of "white elephant" and the story of "Sengeda" is based on the version written by a poet Ibrahim Gayo ie Daudi or more famous Mude Kala Gayo language in the form of poetry. Road story is almost the same, but its content is much different.
The most important differences among them are written by M. Junus Djamil story of "white elephant" and relates to the appointment Sengeda Sengeda became King Linge XV, while the story in the form of poetry Gayo version Mude Kala, story or legend of a white elephant and Sengeda story relates to the formation of "Kejurun Hill" in the Gayo Sea. According to the version Mude Kala, for his services to find a white elephant and dismantle the secret murder of Bener Merie, then Sengeda appointed as the first in Gayo Bukit Raja Laut. Sengeda regarded as a descendant of the kings of the next hill.
Source : Bener Meriah and wikipedia